Adult Ministries
Our Bereans Adult class is led by Dave and Mary Anderson. Dave has a heart to instruct our adults in the careful handling of God's Word, and he loves to serve by systematically teaching through large portions of Scriptures. He also heads up a variety of age-appropriate fellowships and activities.

Dave Anderson
Bereans' Adult Class Director
Dave Anderson was born and raised in a Christian home. His father Robert founded and pastored a Baptist church for many years. Dave was saved at seven years of age, and began reading and studying the Bible shortly after salvation. He has preached and taught the Bible for almost forty-five years. Dave is a firm believer in the values of biblical inerrancy, a historical and literal biblical hermeneutic, and teaches the Bible expositionally, going verse by verse through passages and books of the Bible. Dave is married to Mary, his friend and helper in Christian service.